Here’s a list of jazz standard lesson requests I have been sent. Please vote for the tunes you would like to see most of all, and also include other suggestions below if not included here.
For your information, I select tunes based on the following criteria:
Part of the jazz standard repertoire
Relevance to the theory lessons. Able to incorporate theory topics that we have covered.
Above anything else, the tunes that you - the students - would like to learn!
Please vote below… you can vote for 5 different standards. I will remove them from the list when the lesson has been created.
Is Bewitched, Bothered… on your list? Also did you say you’ll be creating a lesson for Estate?
I like the new green progress bar on the tablet! Thanks for always adding such great content, the transcriptions are a huge bonus!!
Estate should be the next bossa tune we cover - take a listen to Gilberto singing it:
Glad you noticed the video player features! If you remember when I mentioned to you I was frustrated with the issues with the current one, well now I have found a new solution that looks much better, and is much more reliable. It is powered by the same video player but looks slightly different.
ps. don’t panic that play button reappears when pausing the test video, I just need to add a line of code to sort this out. The left-align will also be corrected once the switch takes place.