"Use Your Ear" online subscription service

I have recently made my way through the Beginner level of the Ear Training Exercise Resource and I’m very pleased to say that the experience has opened a new window to understanding the music I’m playing. I am now continuing on to the Intermediate exercises. So, Thank You Hayden and Company for this wonderful resource.

In my newfound enthusiasm for ear training, I have found an additional online resource called “Use Your Ear” (useyourear.com) this is a subscription service which focuses on ear training alone. My research into this program gives me the impression that it is a very well thought out and comprehensive program. The author describes the course methodology as being research based and references many of the foundational research papers which I have cross referenced and found to be legitimate peer reviewed / published work.

I have no doubt that the program would be beneficial to me, however the subscription cost is steep. So, I’m wondering if any of your other members have experience with “Use Your Ear” or advice on this subject.