This learning path is classified as a novice level. After viewing the lessons in the first course, Reading Lead Sheets for Beginners (Moon River), it seems like the last two lessons focus on quite a bit of intermediate/advanced concepts. I thought this section was based on basic skills needed to play from lead sheets. Are all the beginner courses similar?
I’m not exactly sure how the curriculum works in terms of progression. I’m not being critical. I’m just trying to understand how things work.
Firstly I have reclassified the Lead Sheet Fundamentals learning path as ‘Beginner’ level.
I added a “Novice” difficulty level last year but in the end I decided it was more straightforward to keep the difficulty levels as Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced.
Yes in the last 2 lessons for “Moon River” we touch upon chord extensions which I would classify as a beginner topic in jazz piano. My view is that it’s good to touch upon some of the upcoming theory courses in the Beginner section.
You will see a course in the beginner jazz section “Extended Chords & Voicings” where we explore this theory in more detail so you can check out that course if you’d like to learn more about extended chords.
Yes that is the goal of the Lead Sheet Fundamentals learning path.
All of the other jazz standard studies in this learning path stick exclusively to roots, 3rds, and 7ths.
In hindsight perhaps I should have omitted the chord extensions theory from the beginner “Moon River” lessons. Leave that with me and perhaps I will move them to a different course to keep these lessons focused on the essentials.
Thanks for your feedback here!
So if you’re completely new to jazz piano or to reading lead sheets I recommend to work through all of the courses in the Lead Sheet Fundamentals learning path.
If you want to move at a faster pace, or if you already have basic lead sheet skills, then the “Essential Jazz Harmony” learning path introduces more beginner/early-intermediate level theory and jazz standard studies.
For yourself, I’d recommend to complete the courses in the Lead Sheet Fundamentals learning path and then move onto the Essential Jazz Harmony learning path.
Does all that make sense?
p.s. - It’s on my to-do-list to create a “Start Here” page containing a series of videos which explain all of this in detail. More to follow on this shortly.