Ear training exercise

Hey everyone! I was working on Level: Beginner, Exercise 5 and was wondering if we’re supposed to transcribe only the treble clef or the bass clef too? In my opinion, it would be really strange to expect a beginner to do both (seems really hard) but I wanted to check, just in case.

Any help would be appreciated!

Hi Gauri :wave:

Yes the full exercise is to transcribe everything that you can hear.

I understand that the bass section might be difficult if you have never transcribed a bass line before, and so you can always focus on the treble clef part and come back to the bass later.

Ear training is a gradual process and so it’s natural to find the exercises challenging to begin with. Be consistent with daily practice and within a few months you will be ready to start learning from your favourite recordings.

ps. for this exercise, follow the TIPS (such as most notes being chromatic). Bass lines often outline triad shapes with added chromatic notes in between the chord tones - so that would be another tip/hint here. Have fun!

Hi @music.gauri3 , thanks for writing!

@Hayden said really good points, just wanted to add that these Beginner exercises are mostly just a melody on treble clef, aside of few that have a certain theme (such as the ex. 5)

Just like Hayden said, trusting the process and doing little bit every day is enough, you will start to hear more and more in a while.

Keep up. the good work,

all the best,


Thank you, Hayden. That’s helpful! :slight_smile:

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Thanks Tuomo! I am doing further exercises now and I see how most of them just have the root note in the bass, which is pretty easy.

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