Bose was the first to have this great bass sound in a little box (my daughter got one) but they are quite expensive
i find this one and really it does the same job ( even better more presence, but thats really subjective) i think and much more robust and battery fine too.
(feel free hayden to cancel this post if you thinks ist too much comercial pointed )
This is not at all too commercially pointed. This is exactly what the forum is for… to share useful advice and guidance that will ultimately benefit our jazz piano learning journey.
This is a great piece of advice to find a more cost-effective option for portable Bluetooth speakers - particularly as you have used/experiences both the Bose and the VTIN.
I completely agree that the Bose SoundLink is expensive, but I do love it. For the size it is, and the sound it packs, it’s a wonderful portable speaker. I have never found anything it’s size which can match it… until now!
At €29.99 Euros, the VTIN is a fantastic deal!
It also looks a little more robust in its outer casing.
At that price I will definitely order one to check it out.
I do occasionally have issues with the Bose where it ‘stutters’ due to the Bluetooth signal. The ‘hard reset’ helps where you hold down the centre button for around 10 seconds, and then all the lights flash… this usually corrects the issue.
I see you shared a .fr weblink Pierre… where in France are you from?
I’m digressing from this thread topic (which is actually against our forum guidelines) but i’m genuinly intersted… I love France… brilliant country and culture and the birthplace of many of my favourite classical musicians.
I am living near Bordeaux , among the vineyards. I love food and music like a lot of French people they are part of our culture sure.
( I still haven’t introduced myself. but i d like more to talk about music than myself)
Yes Debussy Ravel, and Satie interfere so much with jazz ; probably thats why they are my favourites classical composers too … but i love Chopin and Rachmaninov too. but lets say it in a low voice
Sorry if it’s not the right section, is there any software that would enable scanning some sheet music to pdf and convert it to MIDI? I know I could just manually input the notes of some difficult section I’m trying to learn to MuseScore for example, and play it back. The other day I tried PlayScore but it’s not really what it advertises to be…
I have seen various services that claim to offer this but from my experience there is always a degree of manual editing involved to get the score accurate.
I personally find it quicker to start a fresh using programs such as Sibelius, or the free alternative MuseScore.
If I come across another solution I will post an update here.
someone talk about cappella scann that work for him no personnal experience , only bad with all the software i have tried before, but never have tried this one.
I use logic pro X which is a DAW (digital audio worksation) which can play which can be used to play midi files and help transcribe tunes as a near infinite number of other things regarding music making (especially electronic music.
In terms of transcribing I was wondering if there was any benefit of getting the transcribe software, is there anything it does I cant do on logic? I can loop sections, slow down the audio and visually analyse the frequencies.
I’d recommend checking out the Amazing Slow Downer App which I use for all my transcription, you can find more information on it here:
It sounds like it has some similar functionality to Logic Pro (slow down controls, loop specific sections) and one of my favourite aspects of the Amazing Slow Downer software is how easily it integrates with my Spotify playlists which are pulled directly into the mobile app.
It’s also nice how portable it is being an iPhone/Android app; I just hook my iPhone up to a bluetooth speaker and I’m ready to go!
Whilst it can be helpful to visually analyse the frequencies of a song, if we can train ourselves to transcribe music purely by ear we get more benefit from the exercise as well as developing our listening skills.
Ultimately we all learn in different ways so there is no right or wrong way to go about this, but I hope you find the comments above helpful.
WIDI Master is your virtual MIDI cable. The new wireless standard. Bluetooth MIDI as approved by the MIDI association. Now you can connect all your MIDI devices - without computers - without cables - with MIDI over Bluetooth!
For a wireless midi adapter…have you heard anything about this?
Do you need specific software on the laptop to use and any thoughts on that?
FWIW: I’m not sure how this new product works, but I have a couple of CME Xkey Keyboards along with their add-on earlier wireless connector. (Maybe a precursor to this.) I’ve never been able to get the Bluetooth to connect. I can only use the keyboards cabled directly to the computer. Maybe this iteration is new and improved.
I emailed them to ask a bit more about it and here’s their reply
For connecting Windows 10, it is a bit complicated. You will need to check a virtual midi port software such as Midiberry and Loopmidi. Because in Windows, most of music software did not implement the latest UWP API from Microsoft which include class compliant Bluetooth MIDI driver. So far from what we knew, only Cakewalk implement UWP. But for connectin iOS or macOS, it is very easy and smooth. Please check this blog for more information:
Regarding the shipment, The WIDI Master is still in pre-order phase. It is our first crowd created project, we are developing it by following our community requirements in parallel. And that is why we could offer the special discount in this phase. As we mentioned in our pre-order page, we planned to ship it around the end of May if everything goes well. Here is our latest blog update about the pre-order:
Thanks Paul for the info. Thing is, they claimed that all was okay on a Mac. I’m on an iMac Pro and a MacBook Pro that are less the two years old and maxed out on RAM and storage. Never could connect via Bluetooth on either.
This looks great Paul - and no I haven’t heard of wireless MIDI technology before.
For the purpose of recording lessons for PianoGroove, if the bluetooth signal dropped or disconnected during recording, that would be a pain. I think a cable is a more ‘safe bet’ but I’m no pro with bluetooth technology so perhaps there are things to prevent loss of signal/connection.
I’m sure for shorter recording applications, ie recording little samples of chords or melodies, i think this would be a very handy piece of kit. I think it’s fair to say we all hate cables!
I’ll check it out in more detail and thank for sharing. Cheers.
Hi Mark. Just saw this software and was wondering how if fares with other midi software to use when listening and transcribing. For instance reviewing Hayden lessons, etc.
Can u connect to a keyboard via midi as well or only accessing midi files that are downloaded?
We use Midiculous to create all the lessons on the PianoGroove, so I can explain a little about how it works:
Yes we can do both.
If our piano/keyboard is connected to our laptop/computer via MIDI, then whatever we play on the piano will play in Midiculous with the light up keys and sustain pedal.
As you can see in Mark’s screenshot, it also shows the chord names. These are usually very accurate shows the exact alterations and extensions.
We can also play any MIDI file in Midiculous to display the performance on the light-up keyboard interface. Any of the MIDI files for PianoGroove lessons can be played through the Midiculous software which can be handy to analyse chord structures and the nomenclature if desired.
I would say this isn’t the best software for listening and transcription.
The goal with listening/transcription is to use our ears to figure out the notes and rhythms.
Of course with the light up visual in Midiculous, it shows the exact notes which in some ways defeats the point of the exercise of transcribing something by ear.
My favourite program for transcription is “The Amazing Slow Downer”, see more here: