The History of Brazilian Piano - a podcast

Hello Piano Groove friends,
I just created a one hour podcast about the history of the piano in Brazil. I hope it will be useful for you all. You can listen to it at this link:
Let me know if you have any comments or questions.
Keep playing!


Sure will be! Thanks so much - That is awesome news :blush: Take care. Would love to check it out !

Hey @Jovino - this is brilliant, thanks for posting. I’ll be listening in more detail this week and I have shared the link on PianoGroove’s FaceBook Page too.

I think it’s wonderful how you tie the historical aspects into your music classes and education.

Looking forward to catching up in Seattle after this crazy virus situation.


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Hey Jovino/Hayden

The Link to the podcast no longer works. Is there any chance it could be reposted?

many thanks


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