June Workshops - Vocal Accompaniment Month

Hey everyone :wave:

For the month of June, our seminars and workshops are focused on vocal accompaniment.

Using the StemRoller software, we have created isolated backing tracks of a number of famous jazz/bossa nova recordings and myself and our other teachers will show you accompaniment principles, techniques, and full demonstrations in the workshops.

When working with vocalists, playing/performing in non-standard keys is common to accommodate the vocal range of the singer. The chord charts below have been transposed where needed, to match the keys of the recordings that we will use during the workshops.

You can find the PDFs and the isolated vocal tracks below.

Here are the dates, topics, and songs:

Monday 3rd June:
Rhythmic Vocal Accompaniment w/ Tuomo
Song: “I Fall In Love Too Easily” - Chet Baker (Eb Major)
Learn how to develop accompaniment skills for vocal/piano duo. Tuomo introduces the essential voicing and rhythmic techniques to create a solid foundation and then touches upon more advanced voicings and accompaniment principles.

Friday 14th June:
Ballad Vocal Accompaniment w/ Hayden
Song: “The Nearness Of You” - Norah Jones (C Major)
I will show you how to choose voicing colours and textures that compliment the vocal melody and add depth, texture, and warmth to a piano accompaniment. We also explore transposition, and the role of following and leading whilst in the accomaniment role.

Wednesday 19th June:
Bossa Nova Accompaniment w/ Jovino
Songs: “Wave” - João Gilberto and “Insensatez” - Elaine Elias
Jovino explains key principles for the accompanists in the Bossa Nova style and demonstrates these techniques using the Brazilian classics “Wave” and “Insensatez”. The accompaniments are applied to the isolated vocals of João Gilberto and Elaine Elias respectively.

Tuesday 25th June
Blues Accompaniment w/ Jon
Songs: blues, funk, RnB, and New Orleans repertoire
I haven’t managed to confirm the topic with Jon as he’s on tour, but as a singing pianist, I’m sure he will share some insights with us for vocal accompaniment. Jon likes to present in a Q&A format and so please submit your questions here which can be vocal accompaniment related or anything else related to blues, funk, and New Orleans piano.

See you in this month’s workshops!

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Great to hear on all. What are the times of the seminars? I am sometimes getting a different time between the Countdown Clock and the ‘Add to Calendar’ placeholder. For example, Hayden’s seminar shows in the ‘Add to Calendar’ at 12p CET, and the Countdown Cock shows as 5p BST. I want to show up at the right time :smiley: !

Hi @Ron_T :wave:

Thanks for letting me know about this.

Yes I made a mistake in our scheduling software and incorrectly put 12pm BST for the seminar time.

I have fixed this and it’s now set to 12pm EST - the usual time of my seminars.

Here are the updated “Add To Calendar” buttons with the correct time:


On a related note, I have just added the recording of Tuomo’s seminar with the light-up keyboard: