I remember as a little kid when in my piano lesson my teacher discovered that when she demonstrated the phrase or few bars she was teaching that I picked it up and could play it. However she focused on the fact that I wasn’t reading the notes and missed an opportunity to tailor some teaching to use that talent rather than squash it. However the end result was that I got bored with the lessons and didn’t stick it out.
Later around my mid 30’s I got a piano and started from scratch on my own (this is BEFORE you-tube and there were not many dvd’s, – mostly books.) I took one lesson from a pro, but actually got stage fright just performing at the lesson - and quit. I still noodled around now and then on the piano but with no direction or goal.
Years later, I discovered the fun things on youtube and subscribed to one musician after another, but was either terribly lost in the theory or couldn’t find the tunes I wanted to learn.
When Pianogroove began I was smitten with the lovely jazz ballads and Hayden’s teaching style. It is very unique. YES >> I still skip ahead when my hands figure things out before my brain does and that later comes back to bite me. but the reason I study piano is to enrich my brain and I play piano to nurture my soul and to feed this crazy urge to learn and play jazz tunes on the piano. I have NO performance ambitions but I have found one or two friends who play guitar to jam with now and then, and that is fun. I have surprised myself with what I have learned and retained with Pianogroove.
I am a women’s health (gyn) nurse practitioner in the USA pacific northwest - that spends most free time outdoors: gardening, hiking, fishing, going to music festivals, but when home and indoors love to listen to music ( I love chet baker and bill evans) and to hang out at the piano. Hayden has made this much more fun and enriching.