Any ways around the 10th?

Most of the videos on pianogroove include chords with a 10th on top. I’ve just been looking at the Performance of “Every Time We Say Goodbye” and it’s just filled with 10ths… Being able to reach only a 9th, I feel a bit frustrated that this song is presented only for the benefit of those with a big hand stretch. :cry:

At 1:06 for instance, there’s F, Eb, G in the LH, and Ab, C, G in the RH. The only way for me to play the LH would be F, Eb, hit the G with my chin :crazy_face: and add the RH voicing (which is OK for my hand).

I know I could roll the LH, but in this place in the song it would probably sound out of place since all the other chords fall on every beat.

Hayden, could you list all the alternative options of voicing a chord with a 10th for those who cannot reach it? I’d think: play the 10th with my RH if it’s reachable and there are only 3 notes in the RH voicing. Any other tips? Which notes would I leave out? Would adding the LH 3rd in the RH sound OK?

Hi @Dianna, thanks for writing!

I’m happy to help you with everything related to this subject, I also have small hands and have been struggling with same issues my entire life.

Please write to this message chain all the arrangements and places you have problems, and I will give you alternatives.

Now, in general like you mentioned, you can ‘roll’ the 10ths, but you are right, it might sound weird at this place. Rollin 10ths work the best in stride situation where 10ths are ‘walking’ up or down (here example)


With that particular chord you mentioned, just drop the G out (LH: F & Eb, RH Ab, C & G)

Thanks, I hope this helps,


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This is cool, I have small hands as well. So this is very encouraging and helpful. thanks

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With that particular chord you mentioned, just drop the G out (LH: F & Eb, RH Ab, C & G)

That is a great tip! I should have figured this out, G is on top so it sounds most prominent and the LH G can be dropped. COOL. I’ve just realized that I actually can reach F, Eb, G with the LF although it looks super weird and feels super tense and uncomfortable. (see the photo)

I think I meant to ask about a 10th. That was a 9th but with the Eb barely reachable.

A good example of rolling big chord voicings would be “Every Time We Say Goodbye” at 2:59.
But what about 1:24 of the same song, It’s F and Ab in the LH. It’s not even a 10th interval, but it’s completely unplayable (reachable, but not playable because I hit two other keys on the way there, see the photo above, it’s half step above of what I can barely reach). So which notes do I leave out here? Can I just hit the F that is 3 half steps below Ab rather than the F from the lower octave?

@diana I’m glad it worked out!

You’re right about the 2:59, I also have to roll the 10th from F# to A…

About the 1:29, here are two options for you:

LH: F C & G
RH: Ab Eb & Bb


LH: F & Eb
RH: C Ab & Bb

here notation:


Hope that helps, let me know if there are any other places you need help with!


I would just like to update you all on my question. I saw this video the other day:
How To Learn & Memorize Chord Voicings and it gives a very good answer to how we can rearrange big hand chords so they have the same sound quality, but are suited for small hands. Sections on Inversion and KB voicing go deeper into the topic. Do check it out!

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That’s a great course,

@diana, did those voicing options work for you on ‘Everytime We Say Goodbye’?

@Tuomo, I haven’t tried them yet, but knowing what I know now, that I can change the notes around, and use inversions (YES! so simple, yet so powerful) will help me figure out the voicing options that work with my small hands. Thank you for your support.

I’m glad it works out!