Beginner Jazz Q&A Session w/ Hayden

This all looks great! I wish I could have participated in yesterday’s session, but I was temporarily displaced from my apartment due to some repairs and didn’t have internet access at the time :sweat_smile: I’m looking forward to participating in future sessions!

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I really like the pdf on links and resources - brilliant idea - and really useful/helpful! Thank You!

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No problem Christian, check out the recording of the session and look forward to seeing you at the next one.

I watched the replay this morning and found it very informative. I will be sure to catch the next one live.

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Brilliant, thanks for letting me know Tom.

We will be announcing the next Q&A shortly with a student poll for the theme/topic of the session.

Hi @Hayden, congratulations on the Live site. I look forward to watching the replays. Thanks again for all your hard work in keeping us inspired. Cheers.

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Thanks @natasha0412, I will be uploading the notation for Jovino’s composition seminar shortly which shows his composed score and voicings. I also need to add the chapters.

Check it out the archived seminar here if you haven’t already:

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Hi Hayden,
I am new to Pianogroove Community and much excited to this initiative of Live Q&A. How would we be notified in advance to tune in ? I am across Asia and in different time zone but will wish to attend, for sure.

PianoGroove , you are awesome!

Hi @eric6 :wave:t2:

Welcome to the PianoGroove community!

If you check out the Live Seminar section of the website you will see the upcoming seminars with a countdown to the next seminar:

Each seminar has an “Add To Calendar” link.

When you add the seminar to your calendar it will be added to your calendar on your respective timezone and you will be notified 1 hour before the event starts.

My live seminar on Friday is at 11am my time. Depending on where you are in Asia, it will be late afternoon/early evening for you. Check the page out here:

Click “Add To Calendar” and it will be give you the exact time on your time zone.

If you have any questions that you would like me to cover during the live seminar, you can fill out this box on the right hand side of the page:

Let me know if you have any further questions with this.

Cheers and enjoy the lessons!